Mike Brumley

Anthony Michael Brumley, a former Mariners player and coach from Tulsa, Oklahoma, died. According to updates, he died as a result of injuries sustained in a tragic car accident on Saturday morning, June 15. He was aged 61.

Mike was a beloved and powerful figure in the baseball community. He was Austin Riley’s baseball coach for many years and the Atlanta Braves’ former hitting coach.

Riley spent time working with him in Baltimore this week. Riley said he hasn’t slept since learning of Brumley’s death at 2:30 this morning. Brumley, aside from Riley’s father, was the most influential contributor to his success.

“There are very few people that have been role models in my baseball career. My dad is number one and Mike Brumley is number two.” Austin Riley comments on former Braves hitting instructor Mike Brumley, that died in a car accident on Saturday.

There aren’t enough words to express how much he meant to everyone he knew; he changed and touched the hearts and lives of so many people in his community and family; he gave selflessly and loved passionately; he left a legacy and a light that will never go out.

He was a protector, teacher, and encourager; someone who picks you up when you fall, brushes you off, and allows you to try again; admired and much loved; frequently referred to as a son’s first hero and a daughter’s first love.

His death has caused deep sadness in the baseball community, as well as among his friends and family. Please pray for them and keep them in your thoughts.

Mike Brumley Funeral

We’ll make sure you know about the plans for his funeral or memorial service as soon as we hear from his family, so you can support his friends and family during this trying time.

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