Fruit and vegetable merchant John Latorre, 64, was shot and killed early on Tuesday, March 12, outside his home before leaving for work in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. Officers claimed that he was connected to the Melbourne mafia in several ways. Investigators are currently on the site looking into the fatal gunshot. There have been rumors of possible retaliatory attacks. The police are getting ready.

Who Is John Latorre

John is a prominent figure in the Calabrian mafia. As part of an alleged scheme to secure a visa for criminal Francesco Madafferi, he was one of a small group of businessmen connected to the Calabrian mafia who sent tens of thousands of euros to the Liberial Party.

“Sitting in a coffee shop in downtown Melbourne, the now-dead Latorre told me Nick McKenzie he’d confused a police conspiracy with a group of Calabrian Australians who looked out for each other.”The inquiry is still being conducted.

The crime is currently being investigated, and the responding officers would appreciate it if anyone with specific information could come forward and share it with them in order to apprehend the gunman.

For the benefit of others, kindly contact your local police department or provide any information you may have regarding John Latorre’s shooting in the comments area below.

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