Tuesday, August 13th, was a typical walk day for Ryan Brodziak, the former owner and operator of popular local eateries such as Gravy, Gorilla, and The Local Omnivore. He was strolling through his peaceful Sherwood Park neighborhood with his puppy Gouda on a leash and his 11-month-old son Ozzy strapped to his chest.

A car that had lost control suddenly and tragically sped into the sidewalk, hitting Ryan, Ozzy, and Gouda all at once.

With serious injuries, Ryan and Ozzy were taken to the emergency room and then promptly moved to the intensive care unit. Gouda had emergency veterinary care as well.

Ryan’s spine has many fractures as a result of a severe spinal cord injury. He is still paralyzed as of right now and is waiting for emergency surgery. Ozzy is being closely monitored in the Stollery after suffering a fracture to his left arm and a fracture to his head.

In order to reduce swelling, Ryan’s surgery will involve taking out bone from his back and stabilizing his spine with metal rods and screws. It’s unclear when Ryan will be able to move again. Ozzy is being watched over at the Stollery and is doing well in the interim.

Gouda is now under the care of family after being released from the emergency veterinarian.

Ryan, Bailey, Gouda, and their infant Ozzy are in need of your assistance right now. The Brodziak family’s road to recovery will be difficult and drawn out regardless of the long-term prognosis.

His community has joined together through this GoFundMe to support the Brodziaks while Ryan is unable to work and Bailey is still on maternity leave.

If you are unable to contribute, kindly share this link with others or remember the family in your prayers.

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