Super Nard, an artist from Montgomery, Alabama, passed away due to his serious injuries. On Tuesday, August 13, the public was first made aware of the tragic news when his friends and admirers used social media to offer their condolences to his family.
Other reports state that Super Nard, the gifted rapper from Montgomery, Alabama, was previously engaged in a terrible vehicle accident in December of last year.
Fans and his hometown are inconsolable over his passing. Nobody had expected such a depressing result.
“RIP Super Nard I love you so much cousin you fought hard. You’re an Alabama legend and your legacy music will forever be remembered. This is why I hate driving back home. #WWBJD This month has been hard 2 first cousins back to back.”
Nearly half of the Montgomery region is in complete shock and disbelief over this news.
Please remember and pray for his family and friends.
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