Magnus Manson Missing

Please assist the Manson family in finding Magnus Manson, who is 38 years old. He was last observed on Monday, May 13 at 9:15 p.m., walking from Seventh Ave. to Moody Park from his residence in the 600 block of Hamilton Street.

Magnus is a five foot ten inch Asian man with a slim build and a black ponytail. Perhaps holding a brown bible, he wore all black. On his right upper arm, he has a tattoo of a dragon and a high ponytail.

He is not in a strong position. Due to not having his meds on him, Magnus might feel disoriented, experience palpitations, or have shortness of breath.

His family is in distress and is pleading with the public to assist in getting him back home.

If you know anything about his whereabouts, please call 911 or share and repost it with the New Westminster Police Department.

“Anyone in Vancouver BC Canada please keep an eye out for my cousin Magnus Manson.”

Please call 911 if you see Magnus.

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